Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Engineering Jobs

In the formula for the 60-hr Rule, when dividing the number of credits by three, the 3 represents...

what is the 2 hours of study outside the classroom for every 1 hour of in-class instruction


The application of science to the common purpose of life...

What is engineering?


Name the three types of learning

What are cognitive, psychomotor, and affective?


Initially a subspecialty within electrical engineering has recently grown so quickly that now most institutions offer it as a separate degree program

what is Computer Engineering?


How are engineering programs at U.S. universities held accountable to engineering criteria

What is ABET...Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology


A step by step method to produce a device, structure, or system that satisfies a need…

What is the Engineering Design Process?



What is Psychomotor learning?


These engineers usually already have their professional engineering license

What is an MBA in engineering


Sees effort as the path to growth and mastery, Persists in the face of setbacks;failure is an opportunity to learn, and embrace challenges are examples of what characteristic

What is a Growth mindset?


Name the top three engineering disciplines...

What are Electrical, Mechanical, and Civil


These learners are dreamers and prefer ides, possibilities, theories and abstractions

what are intuitive learners?


This engineering degree combines engineering with business management training arming students with the ability to manage engineering projects.

What is engineering management?


The author identifies three keys to success in engineering study what are they?

Effort - Work hard

Approach - Work smart

Attitude - Think positively


List at least three rewards/benefits/opportunities an engineering career holds for you

what are: varied opportunities, Challenging work, Intellectual development, Social Impact, Financial Security, Prestige, Professional Environment, Understanding How things work, Creative Thinking, Self Esteem


Name the six levels of cognitive learning

What are Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, Creativity?


This engineering degree involves the study of precise measurement of mapping the earth's environment using advanced equipment and techniques

What is geomatics engineering


Communicates effectively in a variety of different ways, methods, and


2. Possesses the ability to think both critically and creatively

3. Shows initiative and demonstrates a willingness to learn

4. Functions effectively on a team

5. Possesses the ability to think both individually and cooperatively

6. Demonstrates an understanding of engineering, science, and mathematics fundamentals

What is the Employment Model


What is the eight step engineering design process…

Need/Opportunity,Problem definition/specification, Data and information collection, Development of alternative designs, Evaluations of designs, Implementation of optimal design, Testing and Evaluation, Redesigning and retesting


The author defines a critical part of learning as what

What is a reinforcement process?


This type of degree involves both research based work and practical assessment which is typically lab work.  Students learn the principles behind molecular science, wood pulping and fluid mechanics.  What is this...

Paper Engineering