What makes a Good Friend
Conflict Resolution
How to Stand up to Bullying
Positive Thinking

Does a good friend talk behind your back?



What is a Conflict?

An argument or disagreement. 


True or False, Teasing is bullying.

False, unless you ask someone to stop and they repeat it. 


True or False, When standing up to a bully I should scream in their face and run away.



What is Self Esteem?

The way we view ourselves. 


What is a toxic Friendship?

When someone we call a friend seems more like a bully.


When you are having a conflict with someone what may you be feeling?

Angry, Frustrated, Sad, Lonely, Annoyed


How does bulling affect your mental health?

We may start to believe our bullies and it can change how we think about ourselves. It can also cause someone to stop doing the things they enjoy. 


How do you set a boundary?

Calmly state how you feel and tell them you will spend time with them if they treat you this way. (Tell an adult if the bullying continues).


True or False, Having a low self esteem means you think badly about your self and that you can't do things. 



List 5 qualities a good friend should have.

Supportive, Loyal, Trustworthy, Kind, Honest, Reliable, Fun, Listens


What can you do when you are feeling sad or angry from a conflict?

Blow off steam, take time to yourself, deep Breathing or another calming activity, spend time with other people who make you feel good.


What does BOO stand for?

Being mean, on purpose, over and over. 


When I say "there is power in numbers", what do I mean?

It's harder to bully someone when they have people standing up for them. 


What is Self Care?

Taking care of yourself by taking breaks, doing things you enjoy, doing calming exercises, giving yourself time and space when needed. 


What is peer pressure and what do you do if you are being peer pressured?

Peer Pressure is when people in your age group try to get you do do things, even if you know they are wrong. If you're being peer pressured you can say no, leave any situation that you are uncomfortable with and stand up for yourself. (You can also tell an adult you trust).


True or False, When I am having a conflict with someone, I should yell back at them to let them know how I am feeling?



What are the 4 types of Bullying?

Physical, Verbal, Social Emotional, Cyber


What and when is pink shirt day?

We wear pink shirts to raise awareness to bullying and to show that we are against it. It is February 26 this year. 


What is gratitude and how do you show it?

gratitude is being grateful for the things/people you have in your life. You can show it by doing kind things and saying it. 


List 5 Qualities you DO NOT want in a friend.

Talks behind my back, not trustworthy, lies, takes my things, peer pressures, not loyal


How do you resolve a conflict?

Take time to calm, ask if you can talk, give them space if they are not ready, talk it out, listen and come to an agreement or a compromise. 


What can you do when you are being bullied?

Set a boundary, stand up for yourself, tell a trusted adult. (If Cyberbullying has occurred take a screen shot and tell someone you trust).


List 3 ways to be an upstander.

Supporting someone, telling the bullying that what they are doing is wrong, tell an adult. 


List five ways you can have a high self esteem.

Do the things you love, surround yourself with good people, take care of your body, take care of your mental health when you feel stressed or anxious, Get enough sleep, don't be to hard on yourself, leave situations that make you feel uncomfortable.