What are the three levels of disclosure?
1. Content
2. Feeling
3. Meaning
True or false: summaries can only be used at the end of a session
What is the name of the cycle that most counseling sessions follow?
Bonus points if you can name who emphasized the importance of remaining non-judgemental and treating your clients with unconditional positive regard.
The nonjudgemental listening cycle
Bonus: Carl Rogers
Name a strategy for uncovering meaning when working with a client
Open-ended questions, taking educated guesses, paraphrasing, reflecting feeling
A _ summary tells the client that the helper has digested what has been said and that the session can move on to the next topic,
A signal summary
What skill would you use when you want the client to open up and tell you their story in the first session?
Open-ended questions or invitational skills
What is the strategy called when the helper draws a series of concentric circles labeled A, B, C, D, and E for the client to understand the depth of their disclosures?
The inner circle strategy
When might a counselor use a "focusing summary"?
At the beginning of the helping relationship, at the start of a session
What skill would you use when you need to find out a piece of information from a client such as demographics?
Closed-ended questions
Why might reflection of meaning be difficult to learn?
Each person's take on a situation is unique, meanings are harder to detect because they are deeper below the surface than feelings
When might a counselor use a planning summary?
At the end of a session to summarize progress, plans, and agreements
What skills might you use when you want the client to dig deeper into the story they are telling you?
Reflecting feeling or meaning
Fill in the blanks of the formula for reflecting meaning:
"You feel _ because _"
You feel (specific emotion) because (the personal meaning behind the situation that accounts for the feeling)
What type of summary connects content, emotions, and meanings expressed by a client across multiple statements or even sessions?
Thematic summary
What skill would you use before you transition to a new topic with a client?