what causes food bourne illness
How can food handlers contaminate food
By touching their hair or any part of their body with their hands
a thermometer
what are one of the ways to hold food
use food covers
what are the 3 interior requirements for a safe operation
materials, equipment, and utilities
2 or more people have the same syptoms
when is one of the times you need to wash your hands
after using the bathroom
what packaged items should you stay away from
damaged packages
what are one of the ways to serve food
have Bare-hand contact with food
what are one of the requirements of a hand-washing station
Hot and Cold running water
How does Contamination happen
the animals we use for food
what is one of the things in the flow of food
why is labeling food important
So illnesses won't get occured
what are one of the programs your operation needs
having personal hygiene
what are one of the cleaners that are safe to use
how does biological contamination occur
from microorganisms
what is one of the ways you can prevent cross-contamination
Clean and Sanitize before and after tasks
what are one of the ways to thraw out food
run it in some water
what is one of the FDA's health interventions
to learn staff health controls
when should sanitizers be used
what are one of the symptoms of foodborne illness
what is one of the ways you can avoid tine-temperature abuse
Tools for temperature checking
what is one of the ways to produce food
by washing the food
what are one of the steps of managerial control
How can you clean and sanitize
scrape any food any food-surfaces