What is the name of the Islamic holy book?
Answer: The Quran
What is the holiday that marks the end of Ramadan?
Answer: Eid al-Fitr
Who is our MSA president?
Sister Aneeqah
What was our first MSA event of this school year?
Picnic by the outpost
Before performing any prayer, this action, which involves washing specific parts of the body, is required to maintain ritual purity, what is it?
What is the name of the charity given to help the poor at the end of Ramadan, often before Eid prayers?
Answer: Zakat al-Fitr
What is the "Breaking of the Fast" tradition that many Muslims follow at Iftar?
Answer: Breaking the fast with dates and water, following the tradition of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
What was the last colour we wore as a group?
Where did we go for the SISTERS DINNER?
Open sesame!!
After bowing, this position is a full prostration on the ground with the forehead, nose, both palms, knees, and toes touching the floor...
Answer: Sujood
Where are we going for our fundraiser AFTER GROUP DINNER THIS THURSDAY?
Boba Bee
What is the term for the nightly prayers performed in Ramadan after the Isha prayer?
Answer: Taraweeh
When greeting someone in Arabic, the most common expression is...
"السلام عليكم"
When is the FIRST SISTERS HALAQA of the semester?
This Thursday at 3:30-4:30pm!
What is the number of rakaats considered Sunnah for Taraweeh prayers?
Answer: 8
Who speaks at our weekly Halaqas?
Sheikh Muzzammil!!
Which important event do Muslims commemorate during the last ten days of Ramadan?
Answer: Laylat al-Qadr
Do we have GBM in ramadan?
No we do not!! iA will return after Eid
Where did our INTER MSA BASKETBALL tournament happen?
This prayer is optional but highly recommended, often performed after the Isha prayer and is considered a night prayer?
Where is the group dinner THIS THURSDAY?
The Hotspot Grill
When does Ramadan start?
This country is home to the holy city of Mecca, one of the most significant locations in Islam, what country is this?
Saudi Arabia
Where is our MUSLIM RESOURCE CENTER? What building?
Faculty Office 4
What is the number of rakaats typically performed during Taraweeh prayers in Ramadan?