What are scallops and clams called?
Mollusks. Because they are both shelled sea creatures.
How do scallops protect themselves?
They burrow themselves in the sand.
How do clams protect themselves?
They burrow deep in the ocean floor.
How many inches can a clam extend its foot?
About two to three inches.
How do you make a complete sentence?
Uppercase and punctuation.
Do they have more similarities or differences?
How do Scallops stay on the sea floor?
They cover themselves in the sand.
Do clams move slowly or fast?
Clams move slowly and can't move at all.
How many clams are produced in China each year?
About 2 million.
(The sea turtle.) How many eggs can a mom turtle lay up to?
150 eggs.
Scallops and Clams pull water through their what?
They pull water through their shells.
How do Scallops swim?
They jet spurts of water.
Do clams lay deep in the ocean or the shallow part of the ocean?
Clams lay on the shallow ocean floor.
When is National Scallops Day?
October 2
(The sea turtle.) When a mom turtle is done laying her eggs, what does she do?
Leave them.
Do scallops and clams both have soft bodies?
How does Scallop see if danger is coming?
They have a ring of eyes.
What example did the passage say about the clams' necks?
It stretches like a periscope.
What can attach to scallop shells?
(The rain forest.) How do snakes not reach the ground?
They climb from branch to branch
Are scallops and clams both popular prey for other animals?
Yes, they are Gulls, Ducks, and Willets eat them.
Do Scallops have long necks?
What do clams do when something comes near it?
The neck can quickly be pulled back into the shell.
Where do scallops get shucked?
On board and the rest gets thrown overboard.
(The put a lid on it.) Why couldn't the baseball players see the balls?
Because the balls were white like the lid.