This carnival activity typically begins before dawn, and peaks by mid-morning
This common over-the-counter pain reliever is often used to reduce pain and is also known by the brand name Advil
Typically the first in office and first to leave
Nichole Seeboo
RioMed Birthyear
This is the highest mountain on Earth, standing at 29,032 feet above sea level.
Mount Everest
A popular carnival character with a wide-brimmed hat and cape
Midnight Robber
This virus is responsible for the 2009 pandemic
H1N1 (Swine Flu)
This person wears fluffy shoes
The month and year CellmaConnect was launched
February 2025
In 1969, this U.S. astronaut became the first person to set foot on the Moon
Neil Armstrong
This day is beginning of Lent and the end of Carnival
Ash Wednesday
This hormone, produced by the pancreas, helps regulate blood sugar levels and is often used as a treatment for Type 1 diabetes
All ACs are on when this person is around
Name of our monthly newsletter
What's On
This is the most spoken language in the world, with over a billion native speakers
Mandarin Chinese
The genre of music that was born in Trinidad and Tobago.
What is calypso?
This healthcare professional diagnoses and treats conditions of the skin, hair, and nails.
This person plays Superman in a YouTube video
Our Biggest Client site
The man from Spain that saw Trinidad from a distance in 1498
Christopher Columbus
The record for most Road March wins belongs to this calypsonian
Lord Kitchener
In 1928, Alexander Fleming discovered this life-saving substance, leading to the development of antibiotics
This duo sang "Love the way you lie" for Karaoke
Colin and Cindy
Number of modules in CELLMA
Known for writing "1984" and "Animal Farm," this British author was a strong critic of totalitarianism.
George Orwell