Group of persons FDR used to help him create the New Deal
What is the Brain Trust
Names World War I is known by
What is the Great War or The War to End all Wars?
This group , established by President Wilson after WWI, was the predecessor of the United Nations.
What is the League of Nations?
El Caudillo
Who is Franco?
Amendment that gave women the right to vote
What is the 19th Amendment?
Year the New Deal started
What is 1933?
Factors that led to war in Europe
What are Nationalism, Militarism, Regional Tensions, Imperial ambitions, Economic rivalries?
Prime Minister Chamberlain appeased Hitler for this reason.
What is to avoid another war?
Il Duce
Who is Mussolini?
Year the Seneca Falls Convention took place
What is 1848?
President of the United States defeated by FDR
Who is Hoover?
Three distinct positions of Americans before entering WWI.
What are Isolationists, Interventionists, Internationalists?
This agreement provided for the German annexation of part of Czechoslovakia called the Sudetenland. It was signed by UK, France, Italy and Germany
Ruled by strength and killed the opposition
Who is Stalin?
Organizers of the Seneca Falls Convention
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott
FDR major bills passed by Congress had three goals, they were....
What is relief, recovery and reform?
Telegram intercepted by the British that helped the United States join WWI on the side of the Allies.
What is the Zimmerman Telegram?
Massive air attacks by Germany that burnt and destroyed most of London.
What is the Blitz?
Prime Minister of the UK that appeased Hitler
Who is Chamberlain?
First woman elected to Congress
Who is Jeanette Rankin?
The second New Deal started in what year?
What is 1935?
Austria-Hungary Empire blamed this country for the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand.
What is Serbia?
DAILY DOUBLE!!!! King of England during WWII
Who is King George VI
Militaristic appeal and did not speak much publicly
Who is Tojo?
An anti-war philosopher and agitator, she protested World War I and later, World War II.
Who is Helen Keller?