The African American That was the main person of the underground Railroad
What is Harriet Tubman
The transportation the South mostly used
what is Steamboat/waterways
The kinds of jobs most people had in the North in the 1800s.
What is factories, shipbuilding, or as merchants because the North was more industrial.
The meaning of slavery
What is slavery is when people are forced to work without pay, have no freedom, and are treated as property instead of as human beings.
In the 1800's women couldn’t do this in elections but they won the right in 1920.
What is voting?
The day Wich most slaves had a break
What is Sunday
The transportation used in The North
What is Railroads
The kinds of jobs most people had in the South in the 1800s?
What is working on farms and plantations, growing crops like cotton and tobacco.
The meaning of agrarian
What is Agrarian means related to farming, land, and growing crops.
All schools allowed women
(true or false)
What is false
The side that was mostly for slavery
What is the south
The reason there were more railroads in the North than south.
what is The North had more factories and needed railroads to move goods quickly, but the South used rivers to transport crops like cotton
The reason factory jobs were more common in the North than in the South?
WHat is The North had more factories because it had lots of rivers to power machines and big cities where people could work.
The meaning of Abolitionist
What is an abolitionist is a person who wanted to end slavery and fought to make it illegal.
Women used the fight for blacks rights as a segway to their rights
(true or false)
The way slaves would Mostly rebel.
what is break tools and quietly rebel.
The reason steamboats were important in the south
What is Steamboats helped carry people and goods along big rivers making trade easier.
The people who did most of the farming work in the South?
What is enslaved people did most of the hard farm work on plantations while some small farmers worked their own land.
The meaning of reform
what is reform means to change something for the better, like fixing unfair laws or improving society.
These are the jobs women couldn't have
Doctor and lawyer
the thing made from cloth and fabric that they made to tell stories.
what is a Quilt
The reason transportation helped the North and South grow in different ways.
What is The North's railroads helped factories and cities grow while the South's rivers and steamboats helped farms send crops to market
How jobs in the North and South affect how people lived?
What is in the North people lived in busy cities near factories, while in the South, people lived farther apart on farms and plantations.
The meaning of transcendentalism
what is transcendentalism is the belief that people should think for themselves.
woman didn't have the same rights just like African Americans
(true or false)
What is true