age of president?
how many representatives
what does it mean to veto?
a veto allows the president to say no to a law.
what does it do
the process of bringing charges against a government official for wrongdoing
1st job
head of state.
what type of citizen do u need to be?
naturally born in US territory
how many senators
what is an executive order and an executive privilege?
an executive order is when the president is able to make a law under a state of emergency. a executive privilege is when the president has the right to keep things secrets.
who starts it
The house of representatives
2nd job
head of the military.
where do u have to live
anywhere in the US
how many votes for D.C
what is the state of the union address. and what is the power of the pardon.
the state of the union address is where the president is required to let people know on what's going on in the world. the power of the pardon is when the president can pardon or forgive any person being charged with a crime.
who holds the trial
the Senate
3rd job
to enforce the laws made by the legislature. (congress)
how do you have to be a resident for?
14 years
what is the magic number to win the election
can the president appoint supreme court judges?
yes, The President can appoint Supreme Court and lower Federal Court judges.
what majority do you need to convict
how old is Donald trump?
what is Josiah
who was the 31st president of the US
Herbert Hoover
who does the president have to ask to declare war?
who does Caleb look like?
chicken little
who ran for president in 2020
joe Biden and Donald trump