middle ages
high middle ages

what was the primary role of the church in early middle ages



what did the concordat of worms say

only clergy members could confer spiritual signs for a bishop


what was one effect of the rise of Islam for christian Europe

isolation of western Europe as the byzantine empire fell to Muslim armies


 what was the message king Philip sent to the church when he arrested pope Boniface

the kings would no longer be taking orders from the pope


why did the pope turn to the franks for an alliance

 the pope needed support from political rulers as Europe became isolated


how did the avignon papacy affect perceptions of the papacy 3 

the papacy lost respect in the eyes of European Christians


 what was the significance of Pepin the short granting the church the papal states 

it was the first time the church was given political rule over a territory


 what was an impact of Charlemagne being crowned holy roman emperor

it caused greater division between the eastern and western church