Instead of explaining “run,” simply ...................
Instead of explaining “run,” simply start running and say the word.
How can you lower the affective filter?
•Motivation: Provide choice, relevance, and control over learning.
•Self-confidence: Create an inclusive and respectful environment.
•Anxiety: Accept mistakes, foster a growth mindset, use positive body language.
•Offer comprehensible input and engaging activities.
How can we facilitate learning?
✅ Use highly contextualized language.
✅ Demonstrate meaning through body language, visuals, and realia.
✅ Avoid linguistic explanations—focus on meaning first.
•Routine and repetition.
•Practical, functional language use.
•Silent Period in First Language Acquisition:
babies ...........
children/learners at school ...........
•Babies listen for months before speaking their first words.
·Learners absorb language before actively using it.
•Interaction is Key:explain
•Students learn more when they participate actively.
Give ideas of what Traditional Classroom - High Affective Filter Classroom can mean
Isolated seating, rows of desks, strict rules, no collaboration, individual work only.
🚫 Teacher-centered lessons, heavy corrections. Teacher corrects mistakes in front of everyone.
🚫 Repetitive worksheets with no engagement
•Traditional classroom settings (teacher-centered) are less or more effective?
Less effective
Engaged Classroom - Low Affective Filter Classroom
✅ Group activities, student voice encouraged.
✅ Balance between teacher talk and student talk.
✅ Encouragement over correction.
✅ Risk-taking is supported, mistakes are normalized.
•Think-Pair-Share:what techniques is it?
•Think-Pair-Share: Students discuss in pairs before sharing with the class.
•Instead of saying “No, wrong,” say ..................
“Almost! Try this way instead.”
Classroom as a safe space
Smiling plus positive body language: this means ...
Creating a learning space where students feel emotionally secure.
Give examples of low pressure speaking activities
Games, songs, small-group interactions.
Symptoms of a high affective filter
boredom, anxiety, confusion, low motivation
Give examples of activities which lower the affective filter
Interactive Stories-Storytelling
Signs of BOREDOM
Staring into space, yawning, fidgeting ...
Signs of ANXIETY
Fear of speaking, physical signs of embarrassment
Trouble following instructions in target language
Signs of lack of motivation
Negative body language, avoiding participation
A low affective filter allows ..................... comprehensible input to reach the language acquisition device in the brain.
more comprehensible input
the more comprehensible input, the ....................... the learning.
the more comprehensible input, the better the learning.