What is the past perfect continuous form of the verb "to study"?
(Had been studying)
What’s a synonym for "exhausted"?
(Tired, drained, fatigued, worn out)
What is the capital of Canada?
What does "hit the nail on the head" mean?
(To be exactly right about something.)
How do you pronounce the word "epitome"?
Which of these is a non-defining relative clause?
(B: My brother, who lives in Spain, is visiting next week.)
What does "ubiquitous" mean?
(Something that appears everywhere)
Who wrote "1984"?
(George Orwell)
What does "barking up the wrong tree" mean?
(Accusing the wrong person or following the wrong idea.)
Pronounce: "Squirrel"
Correct: SKWIR-uhl
Rewrite this sentence using inversion: "If I had known, I would have helped."
(Had I known, I would have helped.)
Which word means the opposite of "mitigate"?
(A: Worsen)
Which element has the chemical symbol Au?
Fill in the blank: "I thought he was arrogant, but after meeting him, I realized I had to eat my ____."
Pronounce: "Choir"
(Correct: KWAI-er)
What’s the difference between “I stopped to smoke” and “I stopped smoking”?
(The first means you stopped what you were doing to have a cigarette; the second means you quit smoking forever.)
Name three words derived from "dict" (meaning "to say" or "to tell").
(Dictate, dictionary, predict, contradict, edict, etc.)
What is the longest river in the world?
(The Nile or the Amazon, depending on measurement criteria.)
What does "to burn the midnight oil" mean?
(To work late into the night.)
Pronounce: "Gnome"
(Correct: Nome, the "g" is silent)
Correct the mistake: “He suggested me to go to the doctor.”
(He suggested that I go to the doctor.)
"The politician was accused of making a ______ promise that he never intended to keep."
(Hollow, empty, insincere, meaningless)
In which year did the Berlin Wall fall?
Explain the idiom: "Don't put all your eggs in one basket."
(Don’t risk everything on one plan or opportunity.)
Pronounce: "Worcestershire"
(Correct: WUSS-ter-sheer or WUSS-ter-shur)