What did God use to make clothes for Adam & Eve just before he drove them out of the Garden of Eden?
Animal Skins
I was the mother of Jesus.
1 Yard = ______ Feet
I am the tallest land animal and can easily look out for predators.
What is the first book in the New Testament?
What did Jacob wear on his arms to trick his blind father Isaac into thinking Jacob was his brother Esau?
Goat Skins
Jacob finally married me after working for 14 years for my father.
1 Score = ______ years
I use venom to kill my prey. A cobra is an example of this animal.
What is the shortest book in the Bible?
3 John
What uncle and nephew had to split up because the land could not support all of their livestock?
Abraham and Lot
I told the chief priests that I would betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver.
Judas Iscariot
1 Week = ______ Days
I am found on the seabed. I usually have 5 arms. The first half of my name is something you also find in the sky.
How many disciples did Jesus have?
What did Jacob use for a pillow the night he had a dream of a ladder reaching to Heaven?
A rock
I was a king who became jealous of David. My son Jonathan, loved David as his own soul.
1 hour = ____________ minutes
Seals make up most of my diet. I am found in the Arctic. I am a good swimmer and use my paws to paddle.
Polar Bear
Who gave Jesus gifts when he was born?
The wise men
What was so special about Methuselah?
He was the oldest man recorded in the Bible?
I won a beauty contest and became a queen who saved my people, the Jews.
1 Year = __________ weeks
About 52
I sleep in the day and stay awake to hunt at night. We are considered to be wise. My name has 3 letters.
What did Jesus feed 5000 people?
Loaves and fishes