What was the teacher's name from the story?
Ms. Morales
True or False??? You are limited to a certain luggage weight on a plane?
Who won the contest... Mr. Wellman or Alaina?
Mr. Wellman
What is the biggest bird in the world?
What was the last state to become a part of America
What supplies were the students going to send?
Are planes considered balanced or unbalanced when they are in flight?
Name one material you could make a paper airplane at home with
How many hearts does an octopus have?
Which continent contains the Sahara Desert?
How were the students going to send the supplies?
By plane
What is the force that pulls humans and objects downwards toward the ground?
How many folds did we make to create our paper airplane?
What is a group of hedgehogs called?
a pickle
Where is the Great Barrier Reef located?
What is the National Guard?
A branch of the military that helps people after natural disasters happen
What are the four forces that act on a plane?
drag, thrust, weight, and lift
What was the percentage of students that voted for Alaina?
What gemstones do oysters create?
What is the worlds largest city by size and population
Tokyo Japan
What are two examples of aircraft?
airplanes, hot air balloons, blimp, glider
What part of the plane help LIFT the plane into the air?
the wings
What was the fraction of students that voted for Mr. Wellman?
Which animal poops cubes?
What country is the first to see the sunrise and it does not have any venomous animal or snakes
New Zealand