What are we collecting for the Ronald McDonald House?
Can Tabs
What is Mrs. Cooper's favorite hobby?
Tie dying
How many grade level class rooms are there this year at Hawthorn?
What is the largest animal in the world that an be over 100 feet long and weigh more than 200 tons.
Blue whale
What kind of room has no doors or windows?
a mushroom
What does the Ronald McDonald House do?
Provides housing and other things for families of sick kids in the hospital
What is Mrs. Cooper's favorite food?
Ice Cream
Who is the principle of Hawthorn?
Mr. Schultz
What is the biggest planet in the solar system, twice as large as all the other planets combined
Why was 6 afraid of 7 ?
Because 7 8 (ate) 9
where was the first Ronald McDonald House? St Louis MO, Philadelphia PA, Nashville TN ?
Philadelphia PA
How many pets does Mrs. Cooper have ?
2 a dog and a cat
What is the mascot of Hawthorn
a hawk
Who won the most Olympic Gold Medals?
Michael Phelps- a swimmer has won 23 gold medals
What do you call a bear with no teeth?
A gummy bear
What year was the first Ronald McDonald House established? 1980 1978 1974
Where would Mrs. Cooper go for vacation?
Mexico ( but the beach is also an acceptable answer)
What road is Hawthorn on?
Boone Hills Dr
What fast food chain has the most restaurants worldwide?
McDonalds- has over 40,000 locations in more than 100 countries!
I have keys but no locks what am I?
A piano
How many Ronald McDonald Houses are there worldwide? Around 380, 140, 610?
What is Mrs. Cooper's favorite sports team?
The Blues
What do we call it when we meet on early release days?
Hawthorn Families
(Leader in me or 7 habits is also okay)
Which Dinosaur lived first Stegosaurus or T-rex
In fact Stegosaurus lived SO long ago (156-144 million years) that it died out about 80 million years before T-rex existed. T-rex lived 67-65 million years ago. So WE live closer in time to T-rex than the Stegosaurus did!
There is only one word in the dictionary that is spelled wrong, what word is it?
The word "wrong"