What was the first Pixar movie to be made
What is Toy Story
What is the name of Wendy’s dog in Peter pan
What is nana
What movie features a villain trying to marry a princess
What is Aladdin
What is the name of jasmine pest tiger
What is rajah
Who was the main character in how to train a dragon
What is hiccup
Brave was set in which country
What is Scotland
What is the name of the toy store in Toy Story 2
What is Al’s toy barn
What movie features a bunny cop and a sly fox
What is zootopia
What type of fish is nemo
What is clownfish
How many how to train a dragon movies are there
What is 3
In the incredibles what is frozones actual first name
What is lucius
Which Disney princess sings “once upon a dream”
What is aurora/sleeping beauty
what is the name of the movie featuring two sister ice and sandwiches
What is frozen
What is the name of mulan’s dragon
What is mushu
In boss baby what is boss baby’s full name
What is Theodore Lindsey templeton
In monsters inc what city do Mike and sully live in
What is monstropolis
What is the name of Cinderella’s step sisters
Who is Anastasia and drizella
What is the name of the movie were a rat cooks
What is ratatouille
Name all three children of the parr family in the incredibles
What is violet,dash, and jack jack
In the beginning of the bee movie what are the bees graduating from
What is college
What is the name of the talking dog in up
What is dug
What is the name of Ariel’s and prince erics daughter
What is princess melody
What is the name of the movie with a lady and her umbrella
What is Mary poppins
What is the iron giants catchphrase
What is “I am superman
In boss baby what is Tim’s full name
What is Timothy Leslie templeton