Data collected for the first time
Primary data
When a lead has not been contacted and are not expecting you to contact them, they are considered:
Optimizing the visibility of your website
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Emotional advertising strategy that invokes what could happen if you don't use someone's product/service
What is Mr. Marshall's middle name?
The follow-up is also referred to as this, which is intended to keep a prospect happy after you already closed the deal to avoid them "flaking"
Rate at which your ads are being clicked and visited relative to the number of people viewing them
Pricing strategy that tries to convey a "bargain"
Odd pricing
Which staff member at EG was a teacher at Hersey my freshmen year of high school?
Dr. Kelly
Data dealing with the quality of something
Qualitative data
When a prospect gives you a reason they don't want to buy, it is called an:
When a social media platform charges you every time your ad gets clicked on their platform
Pricing strategy that groups together multiple units of a product priced as one
Multiple pricing
Who's the leader in instagram followers?
Asking people their thoughts on the idea of an Oreo-flavored gatorade
Concept testing
What is the proper framework for handling an objection?
Feel, Felt, Found
Unconventional advertising strategies that generally follow a low-cost model
Guerilla Marketing
What are the 4 factors of production? (Econ)
What University is located in Peoria, Illinois?
Bradley University
Testing out a product/service on a small scale before taking it to market
Test marketing
Someone who is in your sales pipeline is referred to as a:
The 3 intentions of advertising are to:
Inform, Persuade, or Remind
Define Scarcity
The gap between our limited resources and unlimited wants
Which U.S. President was shot in the chest mid-speech, and went on to finish the speech?
Theodore Roosevelt