This term describes the failure of planned actions to achieve their desired goal.
An error
This leadership style emphasizes inspiring and motivating a team through vision and engagement, often leading to transformational change.
Transformational Leadership
This model describes human-system interactions using five components: Liveware, Hardware, Software, Environment, and other Liveware.
Does our personality show a tendency of how we will act? or how we will act for sure?
A tendency
What is human-machine interaction?
How users interact with machines
These three levels of performance categorize how humans make errors: one is automatic, one follows pre-set rules, and one requires conscious problem-solving
Skill-Based, Rule-Based, and Knowledge-Based Performance
A leader who takes a completely hands-off approach, allowing skilled teams to work independently, is using this leadership style.
Laissez-Faire Leadership
This model visualizes system defenses as layers of protection, but when weaknesses align, errors can penetrate all defenses and cause failures.
Swiss Cheese Model
What is the method of assigning a personality using 5 domains with 6 facets in each domain called?
Five Factor Model (FFM)
What is an example of HMI in UMS?
Controllers, Control systems, mobile apps, etc.
Are slips or lapses easier to detect?
A leader who enforces strict rules and rewards or punishes performance is using this leadership style.
Transactional Leadership
In the NOTECHS framework, these two skill categories are assessed to measure a crew member’s ability to work safely and effectively.
Social and Cognitive Skills
What is the simplified version of the FFM that have 5 spectrums with 2 sides of each?
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
What is ergonomics?
Focuses on designing systems to fit users' physical and cognitive needs.
This model suggests that minor errors can lead to large-scale failures through a cascading effect.
Chaos theory
This leadership style encourages team input, collaboration, and a sense of equality.
Democratic Leadership
This human factors model helps evaluate non-technical skills in aviation and includes elements such as cooperation, situational awareness, and decision-making.
Why is it important to understand others' personalities?
To understand how people react to certain situations and how best to interact with them.
What is a consequence of Poor Ergonomics?
Increased Human Error, Operator Fatigue, Reduced Situational Awareness, Mission Failures, and Safety Risk
This type of violation occurs when an operator knowingly breaks a rule as a last resort when no other options exist.
An Exceptional Violation
This leadership style focuses on serving the team first, prioritizing their well-being and growth over authority.
Servant Leadership
In resilience engineering, this concept measures how close a system is to operating at the edge of failure.
What are the most common facet levels in the FFM?
2, 3, and 4
What is a way you can go about fixing poor ergonomics?
Simplify Interface Design, Standardize Layouts, Incorporate feedback mechanisms, Optimize for longer duration use, conduct user testing