A safety device designed to provide immediate eye irritation in case of accidental exposure to hazardous substances or chemicals
What is an Eyewash Station?
Policy #400 clearly outlines this plan
What is Emergency Operations Plan?
This is the first step in the fire response policy in the event of a fire
What is Rescuing the patients?
The location for the SDS hotline number within the Fort Mill Hospital
What is any Fort Mill phone receiver?
The 3 main utility services provided by our local municipalities
What is Water, Gas and Electric?
Hospital procedure for responding, assessing, reporting, documenting and preventing threatening behavior in the workplace.
What is the Violence Prevention Policy #679-or Workplace Violence?
The EOP states these roles can activate the EOP
What is Chief Executive officer, Safety Officer or Charge Nurse after hours?
The quickest & best way to alert patients and staff of a fire
What is activating a manual pull station?
The location for Biohazard bins on the nursing unit
What is a soiled room/ or also in Dialysis Center
Red outlets are on this electric system
What is Critical Branch of Emergency Power?
Policy #445 Lockdown is initiated by announcing this code.
What is Code Lockdown x3?
4 aspects of Emergency Response and Environment of Care
What is Preparedness, Response, Recovery and Mitigation?
The acronym for use of an extinguisher
What is P.A.S.S. Pull-Aim-Squeeze and Sweep?
Elvira must inspect this patient owned medical equipment
What is a CPAP?
This must be activated if a water interruption is to exceed 4 hours
What is HICS -- Hospital Incident command Center?
This emergency code is Amber
What is Child Abduction Missing Child- Policy #226?
EOP states this responsible party for calling an “all Clear’ after an event
Who is the Incident Command?
A gas that is colorless and odorless
What is carbon monoxide?
Place a red tag, take it to back of house corridor and enter a facilities work order
What is the procedure for placing medical equipment out of order?
the amount of time for the generator to start upon loss of electrical power
What is less than 10 seconds?
The method for reporting any security incident regarding patient, staff, visitor or property.
What is RL Solution or RL-6 for online security reporting?
Determined by our Hazardous Vulnerability Analysis to be one of our top weather risks.
What is Ice Storm or Tornado?
Average time for a fire to become life threatening
What is 2 minutes?
This needs to occur If medical equipment causes injury to a patient
What is complete a Hospital Incident Report?
The 3 electrical systems in healthcare
What is Life Safety, Critical and Equipment?