When you were born
birth date
Lost of jobs you had in the past
employ OR job record
job record
Personal d_t_
Personal Data
Why should I employ you?
-good work ethic, quick learner, follow directions well, work well with people, etc.
What's my favorite color?
Your written job history
resume' OR employment
Face to face questions and answers meeting
interview OR personal data
Mar_tal Stat_s
Marital Status
Why do you want to work here?
NOT just for money
How many people are in my family?
Number given to you by the government
Hint: Starts with "Social..."
Social Security Number
Someone you worked for in the past
Job history OR Former employer
Former Employer
Height and W_i_ht
Height and Weight
What would other people (teachers, parents, friends) tell me about you?
Your answer needs to be related to why you would be a good employee.
Do I have any pets?
Payment for work done
leave OR salary
Something to do with education
Hint: It is in the question, but ends with "al"
What types of work do you like the least?
Answer needs to put a positive spin on things.
Did I have any pets growing up?
Yes, some dogs and a bird
Place where you can always be reached
Present Address or Permanent Address
Permanent address
If you have the skills and experience to do a job you are ____________
Hint: Starts with a "Q"
What makes this place the one place that you really want to work at?
Come up with some nice compliment for the company.
What's the main way I try to stay in shape these days?
Lifting weights