What are Baileys two nicknames?
Beluga and Capernicus
What are two nicknames Luna is called!
Luna Fluffers
Loony Tune
What was the original color of the stairs house?
What was the name including flavor of Jenna’s go to high school drink?
Black rasberry mikes hard lemonade
What is Baileys full name
Bailey Beluga Francine Capernicus Robertson.. (white if the kids answer)
What is Lunas adoption Day
April 7 2023
What was the color of the Chevy Cruze
What is Bailey allergic to
What is the order of animals starting with Jimmy cat?
Jimmy Cat, Charlie, Nala, Kovu, Luna, Bailey, Archie
What color was Lexi’s blanket that she dragged around as a kid
Name the medical issues Bailey has had
Bowel in stomach
Fractured elbow
Cut on tail
What month and year did we get Nala
August 2018
What was Jenna’s favorite color as a kid
Name the Harry Potter movies in order
Sorcerer of Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prizoner of Askaban, Goblet of Fire, order of phoenix, half blood price, deathly hallows part 1 and deathly hallows part 2
The date Bailey Beluga was adopted
What is April 8 2023
How did we end up getting Charlie?
Showed up and auntie and Lexi ended up feeding her and eventually lured her in
What was Nanas favorite color
Name Donald trumps kids names
Barron, Ivanka, Donald trump JR, Eric,Tiffany