Aquatic Animals
Whales 1
Whales 2
Pinnipeds 1
Pinnipeds 2

Swimming animals are often called what? 

Aquatic animals

Aqua means water


What are the two types of whales? 

Baleen- don't have teeth, but have long strips of bristled plates that hang from its upper mouth.

Toothed whales- Have teeth


Dolphins swim in groups called what?



There are three types of animals that scientists call pinnipeds. What are the names of the three animals classified as pinnipeds?

Seals, Sea Lions and walruses.


What is it called when a pinniped lift its body out of water onto the land?

Haul out


The name of an animal that doesn't swim, but it can scurry, crawl, hop, scoot, burrow, or slither across the bottom of a body of water.

Examples of these types of animals include.....crabs, lobsters, sea snails, clams, and sea starts

Benthic or Benthos animals


The end of a whale's tail is called a what? When a whale reaches the surface, this OPENS so the whale can breathe!

FLUKE and blowhole


What is the fin on back of the whale called?

100 BONUS POINTS if you remember how tall the fin is!

Dorsal fin and it can be up to 6 feet tall


Pinnipeds have a thick layer of what under their skin?



Male Pinnipeds are called ?????

Female Pinnipeds are called ?????

Bulls and cows


Name the two types of plankton.

Phytoplankton- They use the sun to make their food.

Zooplankton- More like animals, weak swimmers, but they have to find their own food.


When a whale gets stranded on the beach, what is it called? 



How does a baleen whale eat its food? 

100 bonus points if you remember how big a baleen whales throat is.

It sucks water into its mouth through the baleen. This filters out the larger creatures in the water, allowing only the smaller plankton and other creatures into the mouth. 

A baleen whales throat is not much bigger than a grapefruit.


There are three types of seals. What are they?

True Seals, Sea Lions, and Fur Seals.


What are two ways you can identify a walrus?

They have an ear hole (not an ear flap)

They have tusks


There are two main types of tides. Name them and tell me what each one is. 

High Tide- When the water comes all the way up to the shore

Low Tide- When the water pulls back, exposing sand on the beach.

Explain to me what these whale "moves" are called...

When a whale leaps into the air and flops down.

When a whale sits straight up in the water with its head out, and it starts spinning.

It's fluke sticks out of the water and slaps the water hard!

breaching, spyhopping, and lobtailing


What must a whale calf do as soon as its born, and who helps it get done?

A whale calf has to breathe. The momma calf births the baby and immediately pushes the baby calf up to the surface of the water to take its first breath.


What are three things that can be dangerous to pinnipeds?

They can get tangled in a fishing line and hooks can get caught in their skin.

Pups can get caught in a bad storm and washed away, or they can get crushed in a fight.

Sometimes the weather gets so warm, and food is not abundant and mom's can't get enough food.


Walruses can change color depending on how warm they are. They are usually different shades of brown, but as they get warmer, their skin can actually turn __________. When they are very, VERY cold, their skin can look almost ___________.

Pink and white


There are 5 oceans in the world, name them!

There are three zones in the ocean, name them!

5 Oceans include the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Southern and Arctic.

The Sunlight zone, The midnight zone, and the Twilight zone


Toothed whales have a special feature that they use for finding other whales or food. What is this feature called? They make a sound that bounces off prey or other whales, so they can "see" where they are.

Echolocation or Sonar


What are three differences between dolphins and porpoises?

Porpoises are. smaller than dolphins. Porpoises rarely grow bigger than 7 ft, dolphins usually get to 10 ft. 

Dolphins have a sleek body while porpoises tend to be bigger. 

Dolphins have beaks, porpoises don't.

Dophins have a curved dorsal fin and porpoises have a triangular shaped fin with no curve.


Manatees like to hang out in shallow waters. Why do they like to hang out in shallow waters? 

How is hanging out in shallow waters dangerous for manatees?

They like to eat grass. Grass and other vegetation need sunlight to grow, and the shallower the water, the more the plants can grow.

They can easily get hit by a boat.


Pinnipeds form groups called herds. When it is time to mate (have babies), they head to their breeding grounds called what?

How many males pinnipeds are on a rookerie?


One male and all the others are females. All the babies have one dad!