He was Abraham's grandson and raised 12 sons who became the 12 tribes of Israel.
Who is Jacob
Do not murder.
Who is Aaron
Moses used this to anoint the tabernacle and the altar.
What is oil.
This is how many books are in the Bible.
What is 66.
This tribe was distinguished as servant to God and was therefore not given any territory/land like the other tribes.
What is the Levites
Do not steal
What is 7th
The tribe where all the high priests came from.
What is the tribe of Levi
The animal that was used as the sin offering.
What is a bull.
The name of the sea that God parted for Moses and the Israelites to escape the Egyptians.
What is the red sea.
I am the 11th son of Jacob.
Who is Joseph
Remember the sabbath.
What is 3rd.
A. Ephod
B. Turban
C. Urim and Thummim
D. The underwear of righteousness
What is D
This person wrote the book of Leviticus.
This is how many baskets of food were left over after Jesus fed 5,000 people.
What is 12.
I am the 12th son of Jacob.
Who is Benjamin
Thou shalt not covet.
What is 10th
This new testament book refers to Jesus as the great high priest.
A. Hebrews
B. John
C. Acts
D. Romans
What is B. Hebrews
This animal was used as the burnt offering.
What is a ram.
This is the shortest verse in the Bible.
What is John 11:35, "Jesus wept"
Jesus came from this tribe.
What is Judah
This is how many laws that are in the Old Testament:
A. 365
B. 500
C. 613
D. 888
What is 613
This is where the consecration of the High Priest occurred.
What is the entrance of the tent of meeting.
These parts of the bull were burnt on the altar:
A. Tongue, Eyes, Ears
B. Fat, liver, kidneys
C. Hands and feet
D. Brain, heart and Skin
What is B.
Name 5 of the fruits of the Spirit.
What is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, and self-control