This spiritual master was one of the Six Goswamis of Vrindavan and a direct disciple of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
ultimate goal of life is to attain this spiritual state.
What is Prema
emphasized this practice as the best means of attaining Krishna
What is the chanting of the holy names (Harinam Sankirtan)?
Rupa Goswami was a leading follower of this great spiritual master.
Who is Chaitanya Mahaprabhu?
Rupa Goswami and the other Goswamis of Vrindavan were sent there by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu for this reason.
What is to find holy places and write books on Bhakti?
Muslim ruler.
Who is Hussain Shah?
Rupa Goswami is known for developing this systematic theology of devotional service.
He identified this principle as the most important of all devotional activities.
Rupa Goswami's brother
Who is Sanatana Goswami?
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu gave Rupa Goswami the power to write books about this topic.
What is pure devotion (Bhakti)?
sacred place where Rupa Goswami wrote many of his works and established temples.
What is Vrindavan?
Descirbed this human life as
super rare
Free point for Whoever picks this first
well known disciple of Rupa Goswami
Who is Jiva Goswami?
Six Goswamis of Vrindavan
Who are Rupa Goswami, Sanatana Goswami, Jiva Goswami, Gopal Bhatta Goswami, Raghunath Das Goswami, Raghunath Bhatta Goswami
Rupa Goswami discovered the original deity of Govindaji in this location.
What is Vrindavan?
Rupa Goswami told us that blas____y is a sin
Rupa Goswami and the other Goswamis of Vrindavan helped rediscover the lost sites of Krishna’s pastimes, known as these.
Rupa Goswami, along with other Goswamis, wrote books to establish the philosophy of this theological tradition.
What is Gaudiya Vaishnavism?
Rupa Goswami and his brother Sanatana Goswami left their government jobs to become this
devotees (sannyasis or Vaishnavas)?
Rupa Goswami left his body in this year.
What is 1564?
The principles of devotional ___?
He instructed that devotion should be performed under the guidance of a qualified spiritual master, known as this.
What is a Guru?
contemporary of Rupa Goswami known for poetry
Who is Narottama Das Thakur?
The followers of Rupa Goswami are often called by this name.
What are Rupanugas?