The King of Ithica and Hero of the Odyssey
Who is Odysseus
Helen and ______ ran off to Troy together
Who is Paris
God of the sky, lightening
Who is Zeus
Where did the war take place
What is Troy
Who is Achilles closest companion and possibly his lover. He is known for kindness and bravery
Who is Patroclus
Wife to Odysseus known for patience and wisdom
Who is Penelope
Tries to get Helen back from Troy
Who is Menelaus
Goddess of love, beauty and desire
Who is Aphrodite
Where is Troy located
What is Modern Day Turkey
Formidable Greek warrior who is known for his strength. His spirit is resentful in the under world.
Who is Ajax
Nearly invinsable warrior doomed by his only weakness (his heel)
Who is Achilles
Who Menelaus asks for help to defeat Troy also his brother
Who is Agamemnon
Goddess of wisdom and war
who is Athena
When did the war likely take place
What is 12th or 13th century BCE
The son of Odysseus, he is on a journey to learn about his father's fate
Who is Telemachus
Savage cyclops and son of posiden and he is killed by odysseus
Who is Polyphemus
Who were the three Goddesses fighting over how beautiful they were
Who is Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena
God of light, archery and healing
Who is apollo
Where is Odysseus the King of?
What is Ithica
How are Agamennon and Menelaus related
what are brothers
Leader of the Greek forces and murdered by his wife and her lover
Who is Agamemnon
Who's wedding did Eris throw the apple of discord into?
Who is Peleus
Goddess of women, family and marriage
Who is Hera
When did archaeologists discorver ruins of Troy
What is 1870
How are Achilles and Patroclus related
What are closest companions possibly lovers