Translate: Comment allez-vous?
How are you?
How does one pronounce the letter "e" in French?
Translate: The street
La rue
Translate the underlined portion.
Je vais voir mon actrice préférée à Cannes ce weekend!
My favorite actress
"10" en français
Translate: What is your name?
Comment tu t'appelles? OR tu t'appelles comment?
The verb for "to go" in French?
Translate: Marcher
To walk
Translate the underlined portion.
This weekend, I'm going to watch my favorite movie.
Mon film préféré
...vingt-deux, vingt-trois, _______?
It's a word that means both "hi" and "bye," informally.
How does one say "the" in French (m, f, p)?
BONUS: What about "a" (m, f, p)?
Le, La, Les
Un, Une, Des
Translate: Le parc? C'est à côte de la boulangerie.
The park? It's next to the bakery.
If I want to borrow a book, I go to...? But if I want to buy a book, I go to...?
La bibliotechque
La librarie
Translate: Quinze euros pour un t-shirt? C'est bon marché.
15 euros for a t-shirt? It's a bargain!
Name at least two ways to say you're doing well. (Only one can include bien!)
Pas mal.
Bien/très bien.
Je suis au top!
How does one pronounce the letter "y" in French?
Name one way to ask where something is en français.
Où est (where is...), Où se trouve (where does one find...), Comment peut-on aller (How does one go to...)
Translate the underlined portion: Je vais sortir en boîte nuit avec mes amies ce soir.
I'm going to go clubbing tonight.
La robe rouge? Elle coûte trente-six euros.
The red dress? It costs 36 euros.
Translate: Je m'appelle Sara. Je viens de Tampa et j'habite à Tallahassee.
I'm Sara. I'm from Tampa and I live in Tallahassee.
Conjugate "aimer"
J'aime / Tu aimes / Il aime / Nous aimons / Vous aimez / Ils aiment
Translate: "Comment aller au cinéma? Donc, tu continues tout droit. En suite, tu tournes à gauche. Après l'hôtel, tu tournes à droite, et voilà, tu arrives."
How to get to the cinema? Alright/so/ok, you continue straight ahead. Next, you turn to the left. After the hotel, you turn to the right, and there you have it, you arrive!
Translate: Le weekend, j'aime aller au musée avec ma famille, faire de la musculation, et boire des coups avec mes amies.
On the weekend, I like to go to the museum with my family, go to the gym, and have drinks with my friends.
Dictate the following: Le bracelet d'or? Il coûte 67 euros.
BONUS: And if it was 77 euros?
BONUS: soixante-dix-sept