Who invented the polio vaccine?
Who is Jonas Salk.
What is the main symptom of polio?
What is fever, headache, or nausea.
What type of disease is polio?
What is a virus.
Which age group did polio mainly effect?
What is mostly children.
True or false: People thought polio was a White disease?
What is true.
Which form of the polio vaccine is more commonly used, A. IPV or B. OPV?
What is IPV.
What area of the body does polio mainly effect?
What is the spinal cord.
How is polio contracted?
What is through person to person contact.
About what present of individuals got permanently paralyzed from polio?
What is less than 1%.
What laws were in effect during the polio epidemic?
What is Jim Crow Laws.
What year was the polio vaccine invented, A. 1923, B. 1960, C. 1941, or D. 1955?
What is 1955.
How long do the symptoms affect the body?
What is 2-5 days
How long do polio symptoms appear after contracting the disease?
What is 3-21 days.
What present of people have symptoms when getting polio?
What is 25%
What were some of the things whites could to that blacks couldn't in the 1950's?
What is use the same water fountains, go to the same schools, or live in the same neighborhoods.
What are some symptoms after getting the vaccine?
What is allergic reaction, dizziness, or difficluty breathing.
When you have polio what deadly infection can you contract?
What is meningitis.
What year was polio first discovered?
What is 1789.
What does polio stand for?
What is Poliomyelitis.
What was the precent of the population of black people in the 1950's?
What is 10%