This is what the NBA stands for.
What is the National Basketball Association
4th in the BOM
What is the Book of Enos
Blank as a bug / firearms
This was the first video game ever made.
What is Pong.
This pop star sang “Oops… I Did It Again!”
Who is Britney Spears
This sport uses these terms bump, set, and spike.
What is Volleyball
This Book describes the unification of the peoples led by Limhi and Alma with the Nephites in the land of Zarahemla
What is the book of Mosiah
After dinner treats / Anxious
What is Desserts / Stressed
This is the next pokemon game coming out.
What is Pokemon Legends Z-A
These are the Clefs in piano music
What is Treble and Bass
This is Muhammad Ali's catchphrase for boxing.
What is Float like a bumblebee sing like a bee.
10th book in the Bom
What is the book of Helaman.
Heavenly Father / Mans best friend
What is God / Dog
This video game company created the 2018 breakout hit Fortnite.
What is Epic Games
This rapper had the main act in the 2025 super bowl half time show.
Who is Kendrick Lamar.
This is what happens when a bowler makes three strikes in a row
What is a turkey
This book contains little history of the Nephite people and focuses predominately on visions and prophecies of Nephi himself and other prophets, particularly Isaiah
What is Nephi 2
Caped Crusaders / Puncture Wound
What is Bats / Stab
Pocket, Light, Color, and Advance were all styles or variants of this Video game console
What is the Game Boy.
This was Justin Bieber’s first hit
What is Baby
This move was banned in basketball from 1967 to 1976.
What is a Slam Dunk
This book covers more than two centuries of Nephite history within one chapter of text
What is Omni
Death and Destruction and a terrible fate / Feelings
What is doom / mood
Crash is a video game character who is a genetically mutated type of this marsupial
What is a Bandicoot.
This artist latest tour began in Glendale Arizona
Who is Taylor Swift