Although arboreal, this leisurely animal is most closely related to armadillos and anteaters.
What is a sloth?
This animal, often eaten on a major holiday, shares its name with a country.
What is Turkey?
This frog has transparent skin, revealing its internal organs
What is a glass frog?
This animal has recorded the fastest speeds of travel.
What is the Peregrine Falcon?
The winner of Surf's Up surfing competition is this avian species.
What is a chicken?
This extinct "fishapod" lived about 375 million years ago. It is famous for being a transitional species that had both gills and lungs and paved the way for the evolution of modern mammals, reptiles, birds, and amphibians.
What is tiktaalik?
This amphibian is also the result of parking illegally.
What is a toad (towed)
This substance is what male mosquitoes commonly consume.
What is nectar?
This vertebrate lives the longest.
What is the Greenland Shark.
This fish from finding nemo has poor memory.
What is a blue tang?
Despite their different sizes, the miniature hyrax is most closely related to this monstrous animal.
What is an elephant? (or manatee)
This animal is both a chemistry unit and a type of spy.
What is a mole?
This frog, which I have on my backpack keychain from my girlfriend, is native to Puerto Rico.
What is the coqui frog?
This animal is the only non-venomous egg-laying mammal.
What is the echidna?
King Julian is this species of primate.
What is a ring-tailed lemur?
Despite having similar stripes to a zebra, this is the closest living relative of a giraffe.
What is an okapi?
This pollinator is featured twice in an iconic Shakespearean existential soliloquy.
What is a bee? (To be or not to be)
This blood type is believed to be preferred by mosquitoes
What is type O?
This goofy mammalian critter can go its whole life without drinking water.
What is the kangaroo rat?
Kung-Fu Panda's biological father is this species.
What is a Giant Panda?
Pygmy Hippos, despite their name, are most closely related to these large creatures.
Cetaceans (Will accept whales or dolphins)
This animal in our lab is also what you would call a smelly digit on your foot.
What is a mosquito (musky toe)?
This frog species is the only frog that lives north of the Arctic Circle and survives being frozen solid during winter.
What is a wood frog?
This is the smallest mammal.
What is the Pygmy Shrew (Eutruscan Shrew)?
Maurice, sidekick to King Julian, is this species of primate.
What is an aye-aye?