Most Missed Questions
Emergency Stops
Railroad Crossing

55 mph on a non-posted rural road

What is the maximum speed limit


A school bus must have 3 of these at all times

What is reflective triangles


5 minutes before pickup

What is when students should be at bus stop

Must always stop at a utilized railroad crossing using hazards

What is a school bus


All drivers and monitors must attend a two-hour training at what times of the year

What is between July 1st and October 31st and between December 1st and May 1st of each year


A bus driver should stop the bus not less than 15' nor more that 50'

What is the railroad tracks


A driver must do this after stopping

What is turn on the hazards and radio for help


When a bus driver can turn off the overhead flashers

What is when students are at least 15' away from the bus or on the other side of the road into their driveway


Students must do this at a railroad crossing

What is be quiet


Prior to transporting students each school bus driver or monitor shall complete

What is a 4 hour Pre-Service and a physical performance


On a road or parking lot a school bus driver must do this when backing

What is turn on the 4 ways and honk the horn


When fire, gasoline or immanent danger exists is the only time you do this

What is evacuate the bus


Through their 22nd birthday

What is how long a student with special ed. services may attend school


March 24, 1972

What is tragedy in Congers, NY with train and school bus killing 5 students, 46 injured


When must a 19A Behind the Wheel Road test be performed

What is within 30 days of a new hire then every two years


Visibility is reduced to 300' or less due to atmospheric conditions like fog

What is turn on the strobe lights or 4 ways and or yellow flashers


First thing a driver should find

What is a safe location to pull off the side of the road


Still sitting in their seats 

What is what students should be doing while waiting to unload at school


When a bus does not have to stop at a railroad track

What is an "exempt" track


What will happen if a drug or alcohol test is refused

What is being denied performing or continue to perform safety sensitive procedures


When approaching a bus stop this is when you should turn on your amber lights

What is 300'


A school bus driver must never do this

What is leave students on the bus alone (except for placing the triangles out after being broke down for more than 10 minutes) 


NEVER walking next to or behind the bus 

What are places that a student should never be outside the bus


When you activate 4 ways what else should you be doing as approaching railroad tracks

What is shut off master switch, turn on noise suppressor and open window


What should you do to check your air bake system

What is perform a static air brake test, making sure that you are waiting the full minute and not losing more than 3 psi