Name for the combined continent of Europe and Asia
Do most Europeans speak one language or multiple languages?
Multiple languages
ideology based on private ownership of the means of production and individual economic freedom
economic activities that focus on collecting, extracting, or harvesting natural resources
Primary Economic Activities
Mountain range that serves as the natural boundary between Europe and Asia, called "the Great Divide"
Ural Mountains
Most prominent religion in Europe
ideology based on shared ownership of the means of production
Communism (socialism)
Economic activities that deal with the intellectual or knowledge based part of the economy (software development, stock market, medicine, etc.)
Quaternary Economic Activties
increased flow of trade, people, investment, technology, culture and ideas among countries
Mt. Vesuvius in Italy is what kind of natural hazard in Europe?
Vatican City is the headquarters of this sect of Christianity, which is the most poular in Europe:
Capitalistic economy with private ownership of businesses and production based on supply and demand
Economic activities that deal with sale or exchange of goods
Tertiary Economic Activities
Large firms that operate in more than one country that produce goods & services to sell around the world
Multinational Corporations
Body of water in the Southern part of Europe, touching countries like Italy and Spain and creating a temperate climate in those ares
Mediterranean Sea
The majority of European governments are __________, where elected officials govern the land?
Republics (democracies)
economy where businesses are controlled by the government and production is based upon the governments own self-interest
Command Economy
Economic activities that deal with manufacturing finished goods
Secondary Economic Activities
Factories or working conditions where workers are exploited for very low wages
The far Northern part of Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Finland) has a climate called _________, or a very cold desert
Only current remaining country with a dictatorship in Europe
economy directed to basic subsistence, the provision of food, clothing, and shelter, rather than to the market
Traditional Economy
Would walking into Taco Bell and buying a taco be part of the primary, secondary, tertiary, or quaternary economic activities of that company (Taco Bell)?
Tertiary Economic Activities
Business decision where a multinational corporation eliminates a job in the country where they are headquarter and instead has somebody in another country do that job