Literary Terms
First and Last Lines
Authors' Lives
Voyage in the Dark

This is a 14-line poetic form with several different rhyming forms, one of which is ABAB CDCD EFEF GG.

What is a sonnet?


This is Madeleine's nickname in A.S. Byatt's "The Pink Ribbon." 

What is Mado (or Mad Mado)? 


This is the word that goes in the blank in the opening line of Robert Herrick's "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time": "Gather ye ______ while ye may..." 

What is "rosebuds"? 


John Keats died of this illness. 

What is tuberculosis?


The medical procedure that went wrong at the end of Voyage in the Dark.

What is an abortion? 


This is a type of lyric poem that uses lofty, dramatic language to address and praise a person, object, or being. 

What is an ode?


This is the narrator in Sheridan LeFanu's Carmilla

Who is Laura?


This is the author OR title of the work that begins, "Had we but world enough and time, / Thy coyness, lady, were no crime" 

Who is Andrew Marvell? OR What is "To His Coy Mistress"? 


John Keats's age when he died. 

What is twenty five years?


This is Anna's sugar daddy during the first half of the novel.

Who is Walter? 


This is a genre of fiction that contains a prevailing atmosphere of mystery and terror, and with a creepy isolated setting (often a castle). 

What is Gothic fiction?

In Voyage in the Dark, this is Anna's ex-boyfriend's close friend who meets with Anna to help arrange her abortion. 

Who is Vincent?


This is the name and author of the work that ends, "Do I wake or sleep?" 

What is John Keats's "Ode to a Nightingale"? 

The country where Jean Rhys was born. 

What is Dominica?


Anna's profession at the beginning of the novel.

What is a chorus girl?


This is the moment of transformation at the end of a sonnet. 

What is a "turn"? (Or what is a volta?)


This is the name of the so-called "lady in red" in A.S. Byatt's "The Pink Ribbon." 

What is Dido?


The word that goes in the blank in this last line of Philip Larkin's "Aubade": "Postmen like ______ go from house to house." 

What is "doctors"?


Sheridan LeFanu, author of Carmillawas from this country. 

What is Ireland? 


Anna's friend who was present at the very end of the novel, playing the gramophone for her and giving her gin to drink. 

Who is Laurie? 


This is the definition of "lyric poetry." 

What is a short type of poetry, often with songlike qualities, that expresses the speaker’s innermost personal emotions and feelings?


This is one of the anagrams (alternative names that Carmilla has gone by in the past. (Either anagram name will count!) 

What is Mircalla (or Millarca)?


This is the author or title of the poem that begins, "About suffering they were never wrong, / The Old Masters..." 

What is "Musée des Beaux Arts"? OR Who is W.H. Auden? 


Jean Rhys's own sugar daddy--the man who was the inspiration for the character Walter in Voyage in the Dark

Who is Lancelot Hugh Smith?


The method by which Ethel Matthews threatens to kill herself if Anna stays out longer than an hour one night. 

What is "I'll turn the gas on"?