Miscellaneous 2
Miscellaneous 3
Miscellaneous 4
Miscellaneous 5

While driving you should check your mirrors

What is 8-10 sec.


2/32nds and 4/32nds

What is the minimum tread depth for the rear and front tires


Reasons for activating your 4 ways

What is RR crossings, pulled over on the side of the road for longer than a minute or two, and whenever you back up


You reduce the risk of hitting a pedestrian or other vehicles while making turns if you

What is rock and roll


When should you have your overhead flashers on

What is whenever you are loading or unloading passengers - even in the school yard


With the parking brake set, the bus in drive, and accelerates to 1,000 RPM

What is a parking brake test or safe start


How often is a 19A Defensive done

What is every year


Which is not part of backing procedures

What is backing while children are outside of the bus.  Always have the student on the bus before backing.


The recommended following distance on bare roads

What is 4 sec.


What does DMV advise in holding the steering wheel

What is firmly holding the wheel with both hands on opposite sides of the wheel at 9 and 3 o'clock 


You will loose your CDL for 1 yr. for the 1st offense

What is:  Having a BAC .04 or more; Refusal to undergo BAC testing; Driving a CMV when the CDL is suspended/revoked; leaving the scene of an accident involving a CMV


Do you need to chock your wheels for a static brake test

What is yes if your bus is on an incline, or it will roll into anything while performing the test


The quickest way to lose respect and control on your bus 

What is lose your self control


These 3 things add up to the total stopping distance

What is perception, reaction and braking


What does IEP mean

What is Individualized Education Program


You can loose your CDL for 60 days in a 3 yr period and receive a point on your driving record for the 2nd offense and 120 days and a point on your record for a 3rd violation

What is violating the hands free phone law


If you have a student crossing over while dropping off where should you stop the bus

What is just before the driveway so that the student has to walk out 10-15 steps to get into their driveway


It is unsafe to change seats when the bus is in motion

What is staying in your seat until the bus is at a complete stop


A good way to be free from having safety problems with your bus is to

What is doing a thorough pre-trip


What does LRE stand for?

What is Least Restrictive Environment


What is the minimum class license and endorsement required to operate a 22 passenger school bus

What is a class B with a P & S endorsement


If you have crossers and non-crossers at the same stop who should get off first

What is crossers should get off before non-crossers


Students that approach the bus before it comes to a complete stop

What is informing the students that they should stand still 15' away until the bus comes to a complete stop


When hooking a wheelchair strap to a wheelchair it should be

What is at a 45 degree angle and close to a weld or the strongest part of the chair


If a driver or monitor are out for more than 60 consecutive days what must the happen

What is take another physical performance test before getting onto a bus