-Substance Use-
-How To Seek Help & Help Others-
-Real Dangers-
-Did You Know?-

What is an adiction? (Deffinition).

Something you get addicted to. (When you become physically or mentally dependent on something).


What is substance use? (Definition).

Anything that alters your state of mind. The continued use of somthing that has negitive concequences. (In simple terms: the use of a bad substance).


How to get your mind off addictions. (Examples).

Anything that is a safe and happy hobby to enjoy without getting hurt or going back to your addictions. Sports, games, social events, going outside, yoga and more.


Whats a short term problem from drugs?

Anxiety, aggression, depression, not being able to control emotions and thoughts.


Whats the most common drug?



What is an example of an addiction?

Drugs, nicotine, alcohol, caffine, gambling. (Or anything you start to depend on for support).


What is an example of a substance to use?

Alcohol, pills, cocaine, marijuana, hallucinogens. Any bad substance really.


Who can you call when you need help?

Any trusted adult who will help you, theripist, drug addict line, kids help phone, addiction service hotline, mental heath phoneline, or your church.


Whats a danger of sharing drug injections?

Sharing needles of sort can lead to problems inside you with your blood, to an infection outside. Worst case, you can get HIV's.


What age group does more drugs?



What are signs of someone else having an addiction?

They have the urge to constantly do something, they are defensive about about what they do, not participating in activities bc of their addiction or mental state of the addiction, shutting people out, new aggressive or dramatic emotions or more.


Who can get addicted to substance use?

Everyone! People with mental health problems are easily convincible to start addictions.


Why would someone need help with substance use problems?

To escape from future danger- if its with themselves, a group of people, the law, a drug or substance. To maintian a healthy life style. Protection and saftey. They cannot do it by themselves.


Who do you put in danger when on drugs?

Everyone around you. Even you! You put your mental health at a huge risk. 


How long does addiction affect you for?

Your entire life or until you get help.


How/why do you develop an addiction?

How: Repeting bad habbits that are hard to break due to these reasons.. as a coping mechanism, attention seeking, trama, feelings. Another huge reason especially for people our age is body image problems. Dealing with bullying can cause someone to start an addiction.


How can substance use become an disorder? Does it?

It does. When you are causing a problem by using the substances it becomes to addicting to the point where it changes how the brain functions. In a bad way.


How can God help you?

God takes your mind off the bad, and guides you towards the good. He shows you love and kindness.


Whats a long term problem from drugs?

Lung or heart disease, stroke, cancer, mental health conditions.


Whats the most addictive drug?

The most addicting is cocain, followed by meth and nicotine.


Who is affected by your addictions? (How).

Themselves- mentally and physically unstable. Kids- they get influenced by your actions. Parents- having to grive over them, and having to solve their problems. Enviournment- negitivally impacts people and are opened up to your danger.


How to prevent getting a serious disorder.

Avoide temptation and peer pressure, seek help for mental illness, therapy, examine risk factors and focus on the good in life. You wouldnt want to change that. Work on your mental health.


If we know drugs are bad, why do we do it?

They do it to stop feeling bad, or whatever the reason is, but now you have gotten addicted and you cannot stop.


How fast do drugs kill someone? (Think babies).

Babies will die very soon in the stomach and will get greatly affected in their brains before age 2.


How many people die from drugs a day?

22-25 in Canada alone.