A person, place, or thing
A complete sentence must have.....
A subject (noun) and a verb
In sentence 13, this is a synonym for "frightened", or "terrified"
Jump, talk, run, and laugh are examples of....
In sentence 12, what change can Claire make to improve the clarity of this sentence?
Change He to Another counselor
In sentence 11, this word means "large number", or "abundance"
This part of speech describes verbs
She would help keep the rope tight and make sure Jared was safe coming down.
This sentence can BEST follow and support sentence...
A. Sentence 15 C. Sentence 29
B. Sentence 12 D. Sentence 18
A. Sentence 15
When you make corrections to your written paper, you are.....
Revising and/or editing
They usually end in suffix -ly
This passage is mostly about
Overcoming fears
In sentence 17, this is an antonym for always
Give an example of a Preposition
Ex. in, under, on, between
*Remember, these are position words
Where is the BEST place to insert this sentence?
With trembling legs he took his first step.
A. After sentence 19 C. After sentence 21
B. After sentence 20 D. After sentence 26
B. After sentence 20
Which of these sentences lets the reader know that Jared has overcome his fear of rappelling?
A. Sentence 17 C. Sentence 25
B. Sentence 13 D. Sentece 27
C. Sentence 25