When is the typical calving season?
How long is the transition period?
30-60 days
What are calves fed on a feedlot?
TMR, Hay, supplements
What are the 2 sectors cattle get divided into in America?
Cow/calf and feedlot
What is a mature female?
How old are calves when they are weaned?
3-7 months
What is the purpose of dehorning?
14-18 months
What makes the cattle industry unique in America compared to other countries
Divided into beef and dairy
What is an immature female?
Where do we find most cow/calf operations?
Cool climates, land unsuitable for crops
What is the purpose of castrating the males?
Safety, less hormonal, don't worry about breeding heifers
What is the ideal market weight for cattle?
1400-1600 pounds
Name 3 byproducts
Glue, Instrument strings, manure
What is a 4 chambered stomach?
What food type do cow/calf operations rely on?
Hay, pasture, roughages
What all happens in the transition period?
Deworm, dehorn, castrate, change diet
Tenderness, marbling, overall quality
Name 3 cuts of beef
Sirloin, Brisket, Rump
What is marbling?
Fat intermixed with muscle increasing tenderness
What is the average size of a cow/calf herd in America?
44 Bred cows
What does a calves diet shift to during the transition period?
From milk to a TMR diet
Where do we find most feedlots?
Texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska
What is causing cattle prices to continue to rise?
Not retaining heifers, high demand
What does TMR stand for?
Total Mixed Ration