A metric unit that measures liquids.
What is a liter (L)?
This shows time in numbers.
What is a digital clock?
15 minutes pass 12
What is 12:15?
What is 400 mls?
Is a can of soup more like 200 mls or 200 L?
What is 200 mls?
The amount of liquid a container can hold.
What is capacity or liquid volume?
What is an analog clock?
15 minutes before 3
What is 2:45?
Jansen’s guitar practice started at 6:00 and ended at 9:00. How long did his guitar practice last?
What is 3 hours?
Amanda’s sports drink bottle holds 900 milliliters. She drinks 225 milliliters. How much of the sports drink is left in the bottle?
What is 675 mL?
The amount of matter, or material in an object.
What is mass?
There are _____ minutes in one hour.
What is 60 minutes?
Lilly worked on her art project for 3 hours. If she began working at 12:00, what time did she finish?
What is 3:00?
It took Diana 70 minutes to clean her room. She finished at 10:40 A.M. What time did she start?
What is 9:30 a.m.?
Justin has a watering can that holds 6 liters. He fills it up three times to water his plants. How much water did he use to water the plants?
My Math textbook
What is 18 L?
One metric unit of mass is this.
What is kilogram (kg)?
There are ______ hours in one day.
What is 24 hours?
Raini started her homework at 5:00. She worked for 1 hour. What time did she finish her homework?
What is 6:00?
What unit would you measure a dog in kilograms or grams?
What is a kilogram?
The mass of two puppies is 735 grams. One of the puppies has a mass of 283 grams. What is the mass of the other puppy?
My Math textbook
What is 452 g?
A unit of mass smaller than the kilogram.
What is a gram?
The time that passes from the start of an activity until the end of an activity.
What is time interval?
Eva took two bottles of water on her hike. One of the bottles was full, and the other bottle was half full. She drank half of the full bottle. Which bottle was heavier?
They were the same amount left.
What would you measure a mouse with kilograms or grams?
What is a gram?
Pablo’s recital began at 12:00. Fifteen minutes later Mr. Garcia arrived late. Twenty-five minutes after Mr. Garcia arrived, intermission lasted 5 minutes. What time was intermission?
What is 12:45?