What is a part of a whole called?
A fraction
What is the name of the novel we are currently reading for our novel study?
The Whole Story of Half a Girl
How many students are there in our class?
What are two things Mr. Carmona may or may not be addicted to?
Coffee and Oreos
What was the title of the big Financial Literacy project you did?
My Interesting Life
What is Sonia's sister's name in the novel?
What do you watch most often on youtube during lunch?
Mr. Beast
What item did Mr. Carmona 3D print most frequently for students?
A dragon/snake
What are the 4 steps of long division?
Divide, Multiply, Subtract, Bring Down
What is Sonia's mom's job?
University professor
Last week, some students in the class won a sports tournament. What sport were they playing?
Ball Hockey
What was the name of the show Mr. Carmona introduced for the financial literacy unit?
Til Debt Do Us Part
What do you call a triangle that has 2 equal lengths and 2 equal angles?
Isosceles Triangle
What is Sam's mom's name
What was the name of the museum the class went to for their field trip?
What languages does Ms. Gurevich speak?
English, French and Russian
Without using a calculator, what is 46 x 71?
In the book, who said the quote "We slept on roof at night because it was so hot." What was the person talking about?
Sonia's dad. He was talking about his childhood in India.
What club takes place on Wednesdays at lunch in the library?
Forest of Reading
On her first day, Ms. Gurevich presented a slide show to introduce herself. Name 1 thing she said about herself.
Possible Answers:
family; travel; food; crochet; painting; coffee; camping; cooking