How many stripes are on the American flag, and how are they arranged?
13 alternating red and white stating with red
What does JROTC stand for?
Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps
Which enlisted rank consists of 6 chevrons?
Master Sergeant
Who is your Deputy Group Commander?
C/LtCol Maci Burkeen
Who is the PT OIC?
C/2ndLt Sam Euresti
When indoors in uniform and the national anthem is being played what action do you take?
Face the flag and stand at attention; do not salute
What is our Unit Number?
What is the only acceptable umbrella color while in uniform?
Who is your inspector general?
C/Maj Laila Barnes
Who is our current Commander in Chief
The honorable Donald J Trump
True or false: You may never wear your cover while indoors
Finish the line: I am connected and faithful to every corp of cadets...
Who serve their community and nation with patriotism
Which officer rank consists of three thin stripes?
Who is the Public Affairs OIC?
C/1stLt Kassidy Gillard
What are the official colors of the Air Force?
Ultramarine blue and gold
What does ASVAB stand for?
Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery
Finish the line: I earn respect when I uphold the core values of...
Integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do
Which enlisted rank consists of 8 chevrons?
Chief Master Sergeant
Who is your Group Commander?
C/Col Jordan Nichols
When was the USAF established?
September 18, 1947
Who is considered to be the father of the Air Force?
General William "Billy" Mitchell
Finish the line: I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my...
family, school, corps of cadets, community and to myself
What is the highest attainable rank in the Air Force during peacetime?
Who is your group superintendent?
Samuel Bull
What does the lamp on the AFJROTC patch represent?