What was the caste system?
The caste system was the social structure in hinduism. They were put into a specific caste if they were born into that caste or in the previous life if they had collected enough karma.
The state of enlightenment where all desire ends and a soul finds a perfect peace.
The single, spiritual force in the universe.
The rebirth of an atman in a new body.
How did Hindu's move throughout the caste system?
If they had collected enough good or bad karma they would move up and down in the cycle of reincarnation.
4 noble truths
1.Life is suffering
2.suffering comes from desire
3.you can end suffering by ending desire
4.you can end desire by following the eightfold path.
The rules, duties, and obligations of the different varnas/castes.
What are things that Hindus believe in that Buddhists may not believe in.
The caste system and violence.
What is Sanskrit, how does it relate to Hinduism?
The written language that the Aryans created and it’s related because aryans developed hinduism.
What class had the highest social power?
What is the eight fold path?
The Buddhist way of reaching enlightenment and ending suffering. It’s the buddhist darma.
An atman becoming perfect, it would become one with Brahman again.
True of false: Hindu's believe in Dharma
What are the rig vedas?
An ancient Indian collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns
State the jobs of all the castes and the caste names.
Highest- Brahmin priests
2nd highest- Kshatrias Warriors
3rd highest- Viayas hearders, farmers, craftspeople, traders.
4th highest- Sudras laborers and servants
What did Buddhists think of the caste system?
They thought that it was bad and annoying.
The combined effects that good or bad actions have on a person's atman.
True or false: Buddhism and Hinduism are both in India
Where did the Aryans migrate from, and how did the Aryans change as they migrated into India?
They migrated from central asia and they influenced hinduism and brought sanskrit.
Explain reincarnation from the perspective of Buddhists.
In buddhism you reincarinate if you did not reach nirvana, follow the 8 fold path/ 4 noble truths, and end all suffering
How are dharma, karma, and reincarnation related?
If you follow your dharma you will get good karma. If you get good karma you will be reincarnated into a higher caste!
Fill in the blank: The Buddhist way of reaching enlightenment and ending suffering. It’s the buddhist____.
How did Siddartha Gautama become the Buddha, and what was he known as?
He is known as the enlightened one and he became the Buddha by realizing that to end all suffering you must learn to end desire.