This Cold War strategy prevented nuclear war by ensuring that any attack would result in total destruction for both sides.
What is MAD
In 1961, the U.S. failed to overthrow Fidel Castro in this invasion.
Bay of Pigs
Instead of attacking Cuba, President Kennedy responded with this military action.
What is a blockade/quarantine
This direct line of communication between the U.S. and the Soviet Union was established after the crisis.
What is the Hotline Agreement?
This U.S. president called the Soviet Union an "Evil Empire" and increased military spending in the early 1980s.
Who is Ronald Reagan
On September 26, 1983, Soviet early-warning systems falsely detected this many incoming U.S. missiles.
what is 5
This three-part system of nuclear weapons included ICBMs, SLBMs, and strategic bombers.
What is the nuclear triad
The U.S. had placed nuclear missiles in this NATO country, which was close to the Soviet Union.
The U.S. raised its defense readiness condition to this level, the second-highest possible.
What is Defcon 2
The Cuban Missile Crisis led to this treaty, which banned nuclear testing in the atmosphere, space, and underwater.
What is the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty?
This Soviet leader, who replaced Brezhnev, was highly suspicious of a U.S. nuclear attack.
Who is Yuri Andropov
This Soviet officer made the crucial decision to ignore the false missile alarm.
Who is Stanislav Petrov
The ability to launch a nuclear attack in response to an enemy's preemptive attack is known as this.
Second strike capabilities
The Soviet Union, led by this man, decided to place nuclear missiles in Cuba.
Nikita Krushchev
Khrushchev’s first letter to Kennedy offered to remove Cuban missiles if the U.S. agreed to this.
What is not invade cuba
This American president was widely praised for his handling of the crisis.
The Soviets feared that this U.S. missile defense project could neutralize their nuclear arsenal.
Star Wars
The false alarm was caused by Soviet satellites misinterpreting this natural phenomenon.
What is Sunlight reflecting off the clouds
This term refers to pushing a conflict to the edge of war to force the opponent to back down.
U.S. spy planes discovered Soviet missile sites in Cuba on this date.
October 4th 1962
In his second letter, Khrushchev also demanded the U.S. remove its nuclear missiles from this country.
What is Turkey
The Cuban Missile Crisis reinforced the importance of this Cold War strategy, which relied on nuclear threats to maintain peace.
Tensions between the U.S. and Soviet Union worsened when a Soviet fighter jet shot down this civilian airliner.
What is Korean Air Flight 007
Some Soviet officials wanted to launch a nuclear retaliation after mistaking this NATO military exercise for an attack.
what is Able Archer 83
This Cold War arms control treaty between the U.S. and the Soviet Union limited nuclear weapons for the first time.
The Cuban Missile Crisis was considered the closest the world has ever come to this?
What is nuclear annihilation
The U.S. secretly agreed to remove missiles from Turkey in exchange for Soviet withdrawal from Cuba, but only if this condition was met.
What is keeping it a secret
Despite the crisis ending peacefully, this communist nation remained a Soviet ally in the Western Hemisphere.
The fear of a U.S. surprise nuclear attack led the Soviets to closely monitor NATO operations, particularly this 1983 military exercise.
What is Able Archer 83
The 1983 false alarm proved that nuclear war could start not by deliberate attack, but by this.
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