This note is equal to one steady beat.
What is a quarter note?
This term is used to say whether a note is high or low.
What is pitch?
The distance between two of the same notes with different pitches, like from A to A.
What is an octave?
This word describes the pattern of sounds in time.
What is rhythm?
This genre originated in Jamaica, and is strongly associated with artists like Bob Marley and Peter Tosh.
What is Reggae?
This note is equal to four steady beats
What is a whole note?
You might "turn up" this term for volume if you want something to be louder.
What is intensity?
The piano has 88 keys, but only this many notes.
(ABCDEFG, 2 black keys, 3 black keys)
What is twelve?
What is a measure?
This word is used to describe instruments that don't require electricity to make noise.
What is acoustic?
This note is equal to two steady beats.
What is a half note?
Pianos and guitars and singers all have different sounds, as described by this term.
What is timbre?
The smallest interval on the piano.
What is a half step?
This term tells us how many steady beats go into a measure.
What is a time signature?
Drummers playing in 4/4 time will sometimes yell out this string of numbers to indicate tempo to their bandmates.
What is 1-2-3-4?
What is a rest?
You might call this the "singable part" of a song.
What is melody?
What is A?
In 4/4 time, this note gets one steady beat.
What is a quarter note?
Despite its name, this pattern of pitches repeated in each octave doesn't have to do with weighing anything.
What is a scale?
This note is equal to half of one count of the steady beat.
When we play multiple notes at once, we are building this term.
What is harmony?
A whole step is made from two of these.
What is a half-step?
This term is used to describe the distance between two notes on a piano.
This fundamental musical building block tells musicians what pitch to play and for how long.
What is a note?