What food did I slap on the wall
What is noodle
Whats my pig stuffed animal name?
What is Olivia
Who got put up on Promethean board?
What is Jon Burner
True or false: Identical twins have the same fingerprints
What is false
Who said this quote? "I am not a fighter, I never claimed to be a fighter"
What is Bryce Hall
Who always rages in foods class
What is Kyle!
Who is Todd?
Who does Julie make eye contact with all the time at lunch?
Who is Connor Harrod
How old was the oldest dog?
What is 29.5 years old
How long has MHS been standing?
What is 51 years
Who makes an appearance
What used to be my Tik Tok username?
What is Chinkiewinkie101
Who came to our school to talk about the navy and then later that day followed us on Facebook?
Who is Sargant Sanders
What is Jessica's favorite cake?
What is Chocolate Angel Food cake
Who were the 3 people in the friend group that liked the same guy at the same time?
What is Josie, Jessica & Lanie
What game was Jackson playing during demo
What is one of my favorite words?
What is Fuget
What does Dilynn say when she is talking to Josie and we ask what they're talking about.
What is "I cant tell you"
What is the 3rd color of the rainbow?
What is yellow
Who do we think of when we see a White Jeep & a Orange Jeep
What is Christian Combs, Andrew Norred
Which pie was Kash talking about when he said, "This pie is gas" ?
What is Banana Creme Pie!
What is my nickname?
What is Baba
Why can't we eat something out of Hailey's lunchbox?
What is she cant go home after school
When do your nails grow the fastest?
What is in the hot summer