There's a white round ____ from Ikea in my bedroom, so I don't walk on the cold floor
They are very rich. They have a ____ ____ so they don't eat in the kitchen
dining room
The teacher was standing ___ me, looking over my shoulder.
I need to send these letters, ___ ___ ___ is open until 6pm
the post office
These jeans are ___ ___. Do you have them in small?
too big
Put all the dishes into the ____ in the kitchen and don't forget to do the washing
There's a new TV in front of the sofa in our ____ ____
living room
There's a mirror ___ the washbasin.
There's a Monet exhibition going in the local ___ ____
art gallery
This shirt is ___ ___. Do you have it in large?
very small
There were ____ on a wall, full with books.
Is there a lift or do we need to use the ___?
She hides her diary ___ her pillow.
Today we visited a dinosaur exhibition with our class in the National ____
These trainers are too small. ___ you ___ them in ___ ___?
Have you got them in size 39?
He put his suit and jacket in the _____.
a wardrobe
My sister always spends a lot of time in front of the mirror in the ____ doing her makeup
Yeah, we live really close to the supermarket. It's just ____ our house, across the street
I really want to see a new Hamlet play in our local ___
I can't see the price of this swimming costume. How ___ __ __?
How much is it?
Then she went to the bathroom and washed her hands in the ___
a washbasin
They are very rich, they have a house with two floors and ____ ____ on the top
a roof terrace
She spends hours __ ____ ___ the mirror in the mornings
in front of
I need to go to ___ to buy some medicine
a pharmacy
-Do you have it in medium?
-No, sorry, only in small
-___ ___ ___. ___ ___
It isn't right. Thanks anyway