The star in the center of our solar system is called the ...
The largest star that we can see without a telescope is...
The Sun
The Solar System is...
A system of 8 planets and the sun along with moons, asteroids and comets
they are primarily made up of various gases
An outer planet is...
A planet farthest away from the sun
The largest object in our solar system is the...
The word APPARENT means...
the way something looks
Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are called the inner planets because...
They are closest to the sun
The largest planet in the Solar System...
An asteroid is...
a chunk of rock that can vary in size and make up the Asteroid Belt
List two characteristics of the sun...
hot temperature
medium sized star
huge compared to the Earth
What are 2 factors that affect how bright a star appears in the sky?
Temperature and distance
A satellite made of rock and ice that orbits a planet is called a...
A planet known for it's magnificent rings...
Comets are..
chunks of ice and dust or rock that have stretched out orbits around the sun
True or False...
The sun is the largest star in the universe.
FALSE- The sun is only considered a medium sized star.
Why do stars look so small in the night sky?
They are very far away from the Earth and as they move closer, they appear brighter and larger.
The iron rich surface contains rust
This planet tends to rotate on its side...
A curved path of an object around a star, planet or moon is called an...
What would happen if the Earth had no sun energy? Name 3 affects
No life
We couldn't survive the cold
Nothing could grow or prosper
How are temperature and brightness of stars related?
The hotter the star, the brighter it is.
Name 2 differences between Earth and Mars...
Red Planet
Earth is bigger
Life exists on Earth
Mars has 2 moons, Earth has 1
Mars takes longer to orbit the sun
Explain the function of the Asteroid Belt...
The Asteroid belt separates the inner from the outer planets and contains many asteroids within the orbit.
A huge ball of very hot matter that gives off energy is called a...