Why was stonehenge built?
We dont know!
Where do you find clay naturally? Along the beach, lakes, or rivers.
Along rivers.
You've been given some raw clay. What the first stap in making grooved ware? Make a base, or make a ball.
Make a ball
Humans tell history using this horizontal mark. Is it a time hole, time dash, time line, or time burst.
A timeline
What is pottery?
AN object made from clay.
Were the people of stonehenge hunters or farmers?
How old is the oldest piece of pottery? 5,000, 10,000, 15,000, or 20,000 years old.
20,000 years old
What is the second step in making grooved ware? Make a coil, make a base, or make a ball.
Make the base
Who is the historical figure whose birth we use to define time? Jesus Christ, George Washington, Dinosaurs, or Dracula
Jesus Christ
What is clay?
Mud (Dirt, Minerals, and Water)
Where is Stonehenge located? England or Scotland
What is the neolithic bone tool called that is used for scraping out the side gooved ware? Bone smoother, bone scraper, bone piece, boney.
bone scraper
Whats is the third step in making grooved ware? Make a coil, make a base, pinch the sides, or make a ball.
Pinch/Build the sides.
What does BC mean? Burger Cing, Before Cookies, Before Christ, or Befont Christo
Before Christ
What do you call clay that has been rolled into a round shape?
How old is Stonehenge? 5,000, 10,000, or 15,000 years old?
What is the name for pottery made by the people of Stonehenge? Stone Pots or Grooved Wares.
Grooved Ware
After building the sides of the grooved ware, how do you smooth out the sides?
With a tool or water
What does AD mean? After Dinosaurs, After Dinner, Anno Domini, or Anta Donta
Anno Domini or After Christ
What is a coil?
A long piece of clay.
What is the name of the monument that features large stones that sit in a circle? Stonebend, Stone circle, Stonehenge, Stonemend
When was the end of New Stone Age? 200 BC. 2000 BC, 2200 BC, or 2500 BC
3100 - 2500 BC
The last step is to add designs to the pottery. What do we call the designs on stonehenge pottery? (It starts with a G)
grooves or geometric
What time period was grooved where made in? Hard Stone Age, Soft Stone Age, Old Stone Age, or New Stone Age
The late neolithic period or the New Stone Age
What do you call an object made of clay want to sell? (it sounds like wear. You'll need to spell it)