Da Vinci was interested in these two domains of science.
What is Physics and Biology.
The feeling that drove the changes in art made by the Mannerists
They did not believe that they could reach the perfection of Renaissance Artists but believed that Harmony was not the only path to beauty.
This perspective focused on how things became lighter in value as they faded into the distance due to moisture in the air.
What is atmospheric perspective.
Leonardo is from this commune.
What is Vinci
The artist that painted the Madonna with the Long Neck.
Da Vinci was apprenticed to a Florentine painter at this age.
What is 17.
The way that the Mannerists commonly posed their subjects.
They often twisted and contorted the body of their subjects.
The accomplished artists became viewed in this manner during the Renaissance.
What is an Artistic Genius.
The king of this nation invited Da Vinci to join his court.
What is France.
The years in which the Madonna with the Long Neck could have been painted.
Somewhere between 1535 AD - 1540 AD
Da Vinci counted performing this act 30 times.
What is dissecting corpses.
The way that the mannerists used color and lighting.
They often chose unnatural colors and used unnatural lighting.
This composition was known for stability and balance.
What is Triangular Composition.
Leonardo da Vinci's employer, Ludovico Sforza, wanted to make this city into a cultural center to rival Florence
What is Milan.
The medium on which the Madonna with the Long Neck was painted.
Oil Paint on Wood
Da Vinci was known to develop schematics for these weapons of war.
What is a submarine and a flying machine.
The way mannerists used proportion and perspective.
Proportion and perspective were often distorted.
The High Renaissance is well known for these four artists.
Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Titian, and Raphael.
Da Vinci met Machiavelli in this city.
What is Florence.
The dimensions of the Madonna with the Long Neck in Centimeters
215 by 132 CM
Due to a dispute over money, Da Vinci painted two versions of this painting.
Madonna of the Rocks
The extreme spiraling of the body.
Figura Serpentinata
These are the four subperiods of the renaissance.
What is the Early Renaissance, Northern Renaissance, High Renaissance, and Late Renaissance.
Leonardo Da Vinci died in this Chateau
What is Cloux.
The museum in which the Madonna with the long neck is located.
The Uffizi in Florence Italy