All living things are made up of 1 or more ________.
What is "cells"
Living things are grouped together if they have similar _________.
what is structures?
The three domains of life
bacteria, archaea, eukarya
The smallest unit of structure and function in living things
what are cells
Organisms reproduce _________ or ___________.
What is sexually or asexually?
Organisms can have two types of characteristics in common
What are physical and chemical characteristics?
cells with a nucleus
what are eukaryotic cells
The scientific name of an organism
Organisms ______ to things in their environment. Give an example:
What is react?
Example: plants bend towards light or we eat when we are hungry
The modern classification system is comprised of this many levels.
What is 8 levels?
cells with out a nucleus
what are prokaryotic cells
the language of classification
Living things must use _______. It is needed to perform functions such as growing or moving.
What is energy?
The trend as you move down in the Linnaeus Classification system.
what is as you move down, organisms will have more characteristics in common with each other?
the four kingdoms in domain Eukarya
what are protist, fungi, plants, and animals?
The mnemonic device King, Phillip, Came, Over, For, Good, Spaghetti
kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
what is mitosis?
The most specific level of classification
What is species?
the only domain that is made up of cells with a nucleus
what is eukarya?
Ms. Miller????