What is 6 months?
How many hours in a 24-hour-period should a newborn sleep?
It's safe to fill the baby's crib with cute pillows, fuzzy blankets and stuffies, true or false?
What is false
Breastfeeding can help protect babies from illness & lower the risk of SIDS. True or false?
What is true?
You should do this (supervised) activity with your baby every day. It can be done on your chest, the floor on a mat or many other places.
What is Tummy Time?
How long do *most* babies cry per day?
This is the recommended position to place your baby in to sleep
Swaddling your baby overnight for sleep is safe. True or false?
What is false
Breastfeeding helps your uterus return to its pre-pregnancy state more quickly. True or False?
What is true?
This is a way to get your baby to know their body and can be used to relax them.
What is baby massage?
This crying condition can start as early as a few weeks of age and often resolves by 3 months
What is colic?
Babies should be dressed in a single layer of clothing for sleep. True or false?
What is true
What part of your body can you use to make sure the bath temperature is safe for your baby?
What is your elbow
____________ is the thick milk first produced by your breasts AKA "liquid gold"
When babies follow the movement of someone or something with their eyes it's called _________.
What is tracking?
These pregnancy/parenting books are given to you and are available through Public Health
What are Loving Care Books?
Babies may start to sleep through the night around this age range
What is 3-6 months
A baby can drown in less than ___cm of water
What is 2.5cm
How often should you feed your newborn?
Babies will often go through growth spurts at these ages
What is 10 days, 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months & 6 months?
You need to bathe your baby every single day. True or false
What is false -- a washing of face/hands with a cloth daily is sufficient
Your baby may be ready for a sleep routine during this age range
What is 3-5 months
What is a fever
Bright green projectile vomiting after feeding is normal. True or false?
What is false?
Name two breastfeeding resources available to you?
IBCLC, your CHN or PHN, La Leche League Canada, Breastfeeding Basics Handbook